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Our Services

One on one Parent coaching for an hour,  $75

Craft out a plan to understand yourself and your child deeply as you move forward to teach them the skills they want to flourish in. I will he'll you craft out techniques and strategies to support building a mutually beneficial relationship with your child and guiding them to be effective communicators. 

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Kid Advice

Parenting with ease and joy

As a child advocate, I am committed to guiding you to raise children who look back on their childhood with joy by equipping parents to live out THEIR parenthood with joy.  Respectful, positive, mindful conscious parenting is a win win for your home and the society your child will inhabit. 

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More About Kid Advice

"Mama would've loved to have somebody like you nearby when she was raising us." These are the words of my aunty in regards to my grandma after I told her I was starting a parenting coaching business.  I work with parents in honor of what my grandma deserved.  A person who listened to her,believed her story and helped her be at her best so her kids could be at their best. 

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It all began with  a passion for change in how kids are treated and taught all the right skills with kindness.  Kid Advice is a company dedicated to helping parents find compassionate solutions and providing support to them in understanding their child's message shown through their behavior. To learn more, browse through our site or contact us directly.

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What is parent coaching? 

At Kid Advice, you can count on individualized care from parent coach Tanisha Watkins Henderson.  Described as a gifted communicator, she is devoted to hearing your heart and inspiring you to be the best parent your child needs. No, you don't need her to be your coach.  You need you. She will joyfully and passionately show you how you already have your best answer to every parenting question you ask. 

Online Shopping

Coaching Consultation

Exceptional Service

Set up a free fifteen minute consultation to see if starting a coaching relationship is beneficial for you. 


Be a better parent this year

You won't regret it 

This is my newest service available. It’s an easy way to make a big difference in your parenting skills and is provided with the highest level of excellence.  On Fridays at 10 p.m. eastern time, meet with me and  a group of dedicated parents for thirty minutes on zoom.   I'll invite you to a fb group of just the participants so you can leave stories of using your tools and be celebrated and encouraged.  I'll also send the recording of the meeting to you to rewatch as needed.  Sign up!!  Message me at or send me a fb message at Tanisha Watkins Henderson. 
Only $300. (That's less $6 a week for a year's worth of parenting growth!!!!)Invest in yourself because you already invest in everyone else.  Do this for you!!!! 

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Parent Coaching where kids and parents win.

At Kid Advice, I’ve worked hard to offer smart, flexible and affordable services that benefit all parents. Send an email at to hear more about how I can accommodate your needs. 
I offer one on one coaching at $75 an hour. I also offer community group coaching for as low as $10 to participate biweekly through a zoom call. 

Get in Touch

Parent Coaching Call

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Choose a date so we can make your parenting goals and map out how to meet them. 

Conscious Parenting Village

Exceptional Service

We want all of our customers to experience parenting in a community of like-minded people. Join us twice a month  for 15 minutes of teaching on parenting tools and then 45 minutes of  question and answer time where you can get suggestions from me and the other parents in attendance.  For a fee of $10-$20.  I also will send you a copy of the zoom meeting.  

I offer one on one parent coaching for $75 an hour.

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Contact me to hear more about what I offer to you in support of you reaching your parenting goals. 

Kid Advice is committed to exceeding your needs. Questions, comments or special requests? We’d love to hear from you, so don’t hesitate in reaching out today.

Greensboro, NC, USA


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